What an Automated Medical Answering Service Can Do For You

If your practice’s office is opened 8 hours a day, on average. That is 40 hours out of the total 168 in the week. Rounding up, you or someone in your practice answer the phones 25% of the week. So what happens to the other 75% or so percent? Who represents you then?

The answer is whatever answering service you use. Is it an offshore service? A regular answering machine? And how do you optimize your answering service’s representation of your practice?

The answer is simple: customize your own answering service. On Call Central is an automated medical answering service which is 100% customizable to your preferences and protocols. If you use On Call Central, a professional automated medical answering service you can expect some of the following results:

Help You Get and Keep Appointments

On Call Central can help your current patients make appointments. The automated answering service picks up on the first ring every time, so you capture all the appointments who call. The program can take multiple calls at once so you do not let any of those calls slip through your fingers. On Call Central runs 24/7/365, constantly, and it forwards calls to the place selected, ensuring that the message will be sent to the correct place and be responded to in a timely manner. If it needs to go to the physician on call, the program will send escalating notifications until it is acknowledged. It documents everything and keeps track of the status of the responses of each call on the On Call Central web and app interfaces. It can even send emails to a personal email, so whoever is checking can acknowledge those as well. This way, you will never miss scheduling any appointments.

With all the time saved, messages categorized and methodically acknowledged, those in the office and physicians will have time to see more patients and do more to keep patients, such as remind them of their appointments.

Be Ready for New Patients Anytime

Anyone calling is a potential patient and you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to see them. Especially if they call after-hours. This means they are worried, need to get an appointment in as soon as possible or want to get an appointment scheduled as soon as possible so they don’t forget to do it. Those people are prime patients and with On Call Central running constantly at your practice, you will be able to get those new patients simply by picking up the phone. You want to be ready to pick up when they are calling and give them peace of mind and a sense of security with your practice. So when a phone picks up the ring on the first call, hears a clear, personalized voice tone, and an option to leave an urgent message for the physician on call, they will feel heard and be comforted by the fact that their message will be heard too. And when the physician answers or calls back a few minutes later from the same number, the local forwarding number you get with On Call Central, you will have likely acquired a new patient.

Make Life Easier at Your Practice

On Call Central does alot to help your practice function better in its day to day. It comes with a simple call scheduling management program that you can set up with the physicians on call and holidays weeks to years in advance if you wanted. Additionally, it comes with an IOS and Android compatible app, which allows physicians to call patients back from the local forwarding number of your practice on their personal cellphones. In addition to this and the documentation mentioned earlier, On Call Central permanently archives call recordings in a Cloud-based database, entirely encrypted and emails with these messages are sent with expiring links. This means the data is already up in the Cloud and it cannot be stolen from a physical drive. In addition, On Call Central is entirely 100% HIPAA certified and 100% customizable. This program can be set up with multiple voice menus (for holidays, after hours, etc.) and in multiple languages. On top of all of that, we offer flat-rate pricing and 24/7/365 support from us for any questions you might encounter with the product.


Be ready to make life with your practice easier, make more appointments, and get new patients with On Call Central.

Learn how to achieve the best outcomes and earn the highest patient satisfaction and the many ways On Call Central can help your practice. Get a free demonstration led by one of our helpful On Call Central team members and/or free quote to see how the leading fully automated medical answering service can work for your practice.